Thursday, September 17, 2015

"Learning How to Stay Within Your Limits" (Lessons from Annias and Sapphira)

"Learning How to Stay Within Your Limits" (Lessons I've Learned from Ananias and Sapphira)
Acts 5:1-11

There exists within every community, every church, and every organization, those whom are thirsty for attention. Attention drawing, praise seeking and the need for prestige has plagued the church to the point many aren't accepting the call to preach or the task to teach out of sincerity. With the rise of media and social networks also comes the rise and pressure to publicize oneself as great.

When I examine the church today, I've come to witness many are so pressed for attention and so hungry for power, they'll do anything to get what they want.

In psychological terms we label such personalities as having "Histrionic Personality Disorders"… Someone with such disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people and they feel uncomfortable and unfulfilled when the spotlight is not on them. In clinical terms, they have difficulty rejoicing when others are getting praise, because they feel such honors should be exclusively on them.

In the Book of Acts in the opening of Chapter 5, we have the first recorded account in the Church Age of two potentially good believers gone bad. Two individuals who took the bait of craving praises, notoriety, and self gratification. The husband and wife team that suffered from "Histrionic Personality Disorders" which brought about their demise, were -Ananias and Sapphira.

We all have heard the term, "Stop trying to be like the Jones" or "The grass always looks greener on the other side"… I believe those quotes come in handy when examining the great downfall of these two believers.

The hermeneutics of the text: The church growth was on the move as the Holy Spirit was adding to the church believers by the thousands daily. The Gospel of Jesus was being preached, lives were being transformed, God was being glorified, the Body of Christ was being edified, and it seemed like things were going great. Things were going so well, that the Bible says all the believers were of one heart and  shared everything they had. (Acts 4:32).

Many prominent individuals whom confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior sold their extra possession and laid the money at the apostles' feet to distribute to the church as they had need. One, by the name of Barnabas (Joseph) being moved by the Holy Spirit, sold his land and seeded the proceeds to the church. As a result of his generosity, folks were acknowledging his acts of kindness and he was referred to as a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.

So Ananias and Sapphira witnessing the accolades laid upon Barnabas, instead of rejoicing in his good works, decided to mimic his deeds. They also had land and being moved by their disorders and their appetite of not wanting to be outdone; sold it. When they received the check and saw how much it was, they conspired together to deceive the church by keeping a portion for themselves, but advertising giving their all. In their efforts to be seen as somebody who they weren't, they defrauded the church and lost their lives. When they brought the money - they received what they wanted but lost what they had. The folks praised their good work… but Peter having a discerning spirit, peeped their game. After the service was over, Peter called them on their hypocrisy and pronounced God's judgement on them.

1. Don't go in financial or spiritual debt trying to impress folks… The Bible says we're to give from our heart cheerfully what we could. (Consider the widows mite in Luke 21:1-4 and Paul's instructions for giving in 1 Corinthians 16:2)

2. Don't give to seek the praises of man… The Bible warns us, when we do to be seen and praised by man, their praises are our rewards. (Matthew 6:2) Whenever we do things to be seen, we're robbing God of His glory.

3. Don't move ahead of the Holy Spirit… The Holy Spirit won't have us to do anything that would hurt us… "The Holy Spirit won't lead you where the grace of God can't keep you"… Barnabas was being led by God but Ananias and Sapphira were being led by their lust. (Romans 8:13, 14)

4. Whatever we do… Let it be real… The song writer said it best, "Everything we do for Jesus - let it be real." He don't have to be like anybody… Just be yourself… Nobody can't beat you being you…

In conclusion: Stay within your limits and serve God from a pure heart…

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